Live Commodities Instruments

Our Most Popular Instruments

*Note that the margin price fluctuations are influenced by leverage

All Commodities Instruments

*Note that the margin price fluctuations are influenced by leverage

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There are many critical differences between online commodity trading and traditional commodity trading:

  •  First, online commodity trading is done entirely through electronic platforms, while traditional commodity trading relies heavily on paper-based systems. That means online commodity trading is faster, more efficient, and, most importantly, more profitable. 

  • Second, online commodity trading generally has lower transaction costs than traditional commodity trading. 

  • Finally, this digital trading offers more flexibility regarding when and where trades can be made. 

So, create your account now and start trading in endless commodities on the largest global markets.

No commodity is better than another. It depends on several aspects, including the trader's goals and investment horizon. However, some popular commodities for trading include gold and natural gas.

Commodity market hours are from Monday 01:01 AM till  Friday 23:45 PM. 

However, you will get exclusive access to all commodity-related information once you create your River Prime account. 

Moreover, our customer support service is available 24/5 to respond to all your questions.

The best way to trade commodities for beginners is to buy and hold futures contracts, engage in spread trading, and use technical analysis. 

This approach works just like that: you create a River Prime account, fund your account, and ask for expert advisory.