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*Note that the margin price fluctuations are influenced by leverage

All Indices Instruments

*Note that the margin price fluctuations are influenced by leverage

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Assume the opening price of the UK100 is 7070/7072. You believe that UK blue-chip stocks are underpriced, so you buy 3 contracts at 7072.
If one contract is worth $1 per index point, then, you will profit $3 for every point the bid quote on the UK100 index rises above 7072, and also you will lose $3 for every point the bid quote falls below 7072.
Assume the UK100 index rises to 7080/7082 a week later, and you decide to take your profit. You close your position by selling three contracts at a price of 7080.
  • The difference between the opening price & the closing price is: 7080 - 7072 = 8 points
  • The gross profit on the trade is: 8 points x 3 contracts ($3 per point) = $24

The best way to get the most out of your money when trading on indices is to be strategic and have a plan. First, you need to define what you're looking for and your goals. Additionally, you need to be aware of the risks involved. Being strategic and informed can maximize your chances of success and make the most of your money.

Fret not; once you create an account on River Prime, you will find a wide collection of educational material, guides, tips, and more. Create your account now.

Yes, indices can be good investments because they provide diversification and help manage risk. When you invest in an index, you are essentially investing in a basket of securities that represent a specific market or sector. This can help to reduce the risk of investing in a single security. 
You should, however, stick to a plan that will allow you to grow over time.
Once you open an account with River Prime, you will be able to communicate with experienced traders and learn a variety of trading strategies. So, start looking for progress and sign up today!